Fort Madison Pallet Company
Call Today! 319-463-5704
Our Facility
Fort Madison Pallet Company is constantly changing and adapting to meet our customers' needs. Below is a list of some of the equipment we maintain on our production floor.
Viking Turbo 505
With production capabilities of over 1,800 pallets in an 8-hour shift, this machine can produce high volumes of pallets built to meet your exact specifications. 
Viking Champion 306
This machine is a 1-2 operator system that can produce 600+ pallets per 8 hour shift allowing us to produce pallets utilizing quicker changeovers and expanded pallet sizes
Full Cut Line & Bandsaw Capabilities 
We maintain a full cut line that allows us to cut down excess material, size cants, and produce our own boards for production use. We also are equipped with a single and quad bandsaw that allows us to bring in cants to size and cut to our own specifications. 
Kiln Direct ISPM15 Heat Treat
We have a full size heat treat kiln that is capable of treating up to 800 GMA pallets at a time as well as the ability to dry pallets down to 20% moisture content which prevents the growth of mold.